Self-testing or pharmacy testing?

In the UK, all our tests are certified for self-test use by your patient at home. Nevertheless, you can also use the test kits if you wish to provide an in-store pharmacy testing service. Each test kit contains everything needed to perform the test and interpret the result - no further equipment is required.

Who is test2check?

test2check.com is a wholesale website providing reliable pharmacy diagnostics for a wide range of medical conditions. 

What is your background?

The website is owned by JR Biomedical Ltd which is an ISO13485:2016 certified (UKAS certified auditors) medical device company, with our R&D, manufacturing and distribution based in the UK.

In 2025 we will be celebrating our 20 year anniversary developing and distributing medical diagnostics to the NHS, research laboratories, pharmacies and retailers.

Are your products registered with MHRA?

Yes. All our self-test diagnostics are registered with MHRA and CE or UKCA certified as medical devices.

Can you provide support for pharmacists and patients?

We provide first-class customer care for all our customers. Because of our experience and expertise in the sector, we know exactly how the tests work and can provide retailers with expert insight into the regulatory framework and market for the self-testing sector, as well as comprehensive product support.

Are self-test kits an alternative to seeing a doctor?

No. Self-test kits aren't meant to replace traditional healthcare pathways but whether a positive or negative result, self-tests can help prompt your patients to seek help from a pharmacist or doctor sooner than they might have, and provide the first step towards a diagnosis. It is important to appreciate the limitations of a single test, whether performed by a hospital laboratory, or with a self-test at home. Results should only be interpreted within the context of the patient's clinical history, that is why it is a legal requirement for all manufacturers of self-tests to state that self-test users must speak with your doctor before changing your medication, diet or lifestyle.

Are the tests accurate?

Yes, the tests are certified to UK and EU standards and registered with MHRA, providing a result as reliable as a doctor's test. All tests are CE certified for self-test and professional use to the same standards as hospital laboratory tests.

Aren't worried people going to swamp the NHS after using a self-test kit?

Healthcare professionals (HCPs), “see the development of home testing as positive. It will reduce workload for HCPs, filtering patients who require symptom management at home and those who require more complex treatments." HCPs also envision that home tests will provide an initial screening at home but will not replace laboratory testingIpsos | Future of POC and Rapid Testing – Ipsos-Sermo survey report | February 2022.

Where are the tests made?

Our tests are manufactured for us in the UK and EU, at ISO13485:2016 medical device certified facilities that also supplies medical diagnostics to hospital laboratories and for medical research.

Who monitors and regulates the claims made on the packaging of self-test kits?

The information provided on the packaging and instruction leaflet for self-test kits is strictly controlled by independent organisations known as Notified Bodies such as TUV, mdc and BSi who report to the Competent Authority (MHRA). Approval is required from the Notified Body before medical products are allowed to be advertised or sold.

Can I get advice on my test result?

Full follow up information is provided with each test kit. For regulatory reasons, we are not allowed to provide medical advice, although patients are encouraged to discuss their results with their own doctor.

Do your tests give false positive and false negative results?

All doctors are aware that all medical tests, whether used at home or in the hospital laboratory, will give a small percentage of false positive or false negative results. Because we are all physiologically different, no one medical test can be 100% accurate for everybody.